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CSCA 2024 - Interpersonal and Family Communication Interest Group ...Call for Submissions


Call for Papers and Panels

Central States Communication Association (CSCA)

Annual Convention-Grand Rapids, MI

April 2–7th, 2024


The Interpersonal and Family Communication Interest Group invites individuals to submit competitive papers and panels for consideration for programming at the 2024 CSCA convention in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Our interest group focuses on interpersonal, family, and small group communication relating to theoretical, empirical, community engagement, methodological, and pedagogical issues.

We welcome a range of topics encompassing the research and teaching of interpersonal, family, and small group communication. We also invite a wide range of methodological approaches. Finally, we especially encourage members to address issues related to the convention theme of Incoherence. Our lives are full of incoherence, especially via relationships, and we look forward to the ways our interest group will speak to this year’s convention theme.

PAPERS: The Interpersonal and Family Communication Interest Group only accepts completed papers. Authors must remove their names and any identifying information prior to submission. Papers also must conform to the most current APA standards (7th edition) and include a title and a 100-word abstract. Papers may not exceed 25 pages, excluding title, abstract, references, and appendices. Papers exceeding the maximum page limit will not be considered for review.

Graduate and undergraduate students should type “STUDENT” on the upper right-hand corner of the title page. 

If the paper will be a graduate or undergraduate student debut, please type “DEBUT STUDENT” on the upper right-hand corner of the title page and specify whether the author is a graduate or undergraduate student. Only graduate debut papers will be considered for the association’s debut award. Debut papers are only those in which, (a) the author is a graduate or undergraduate student, (b) the paper has a single author (i.e., the student), and (c) the paper will be the author’s first paper presentation at CSCA. Indicate if author(s) are CSCA members.

PANELS: Discussion and paper panel submissions must include the following: (a) title, (b) description (100 words or less), (c) rationale (100 words or less), and (d) a complete list of participants along with their institutional affiliations, contact information (address, e-mail, and telephone), and whether they are CSCA Members. Panels must have a chair. Paper panels should also include titles and brief abstracts (100 words or less) for each paper. Preference will be given to those with panelists representing multiple institutions rather than representing a single institution.

SUBMISSION DETAILS: Submitters must make all technology and scheduling requests at the time of submission. Submit all papers and panels electronically through our online system via the CSCA website.

**You must create an account in the submission system, this account is separate from your CSCA account. You must have an account in the submission system to submit and serve as a reviewer for any interest group. Please have each of the co-authors/panelists create a profile on the CSCA website and the submission website (two accounts). Membership is not required to create a profile. 

MEDIA REQUESTS: Submitters must make all technology requests at the time of submission. Please only request media if it is absolutely essential to your presentation, as media requests will be closely examined before approval. Laptop computers will not be made available for presentations.

SUBMISSIONS: Submissions must be received by 11:59 PM, CDT, October 7, 2023.

AWARDS: The Interpersonal and Family Communication Interest Group presents two named awards. The Nancy Burrell Award is presented to the author(s) of the Top Student Paper submitted to the Interpersonal and Family Communication Interest Group. At the annual convention, the recipient receives a cash award and a certificate. The Dawn O. Braithwaite Award for Qualitative Research will be presented to the author(s) of the Top Qualitative Paper submitted to the Interpersonal and Family Communication Interest Group. At the annual convention, the recipient receives a cash award and a certificate. Of note, the Dawn O. Braithwaite Award cannot be awarded to the Top Paper or the Top Student Paper.

The Equity and Inclusion Scholarship Award is sponsored by the CSCA Equity & Inclusion Committee (EIC). Its purpose is to highlight the most promising work by scholars in the areas of equity and inclusion. At the annual Awards and Business Luncheon, a plaque will be presented to the scholar(s) whose paper was chosen as the Top Equity and Inclusion Paper. The remaining top papers (not exceeding 4) will be awarded certificates at the EIC sponsored Equity & Inclusion paper panel. The papers will be delivered both during the programming of the respective interest groups and caucuses to which they were submitted and during the EIC sponsored paper panel. The EIC paper panel will be scheduled right after the EIC discussion panel/business meeting at the CSCA conference. To be eligible for Equity and Inclusion Scholarship Award, the paper must clearly articulate, in at least one paragraph, how the respective scholarship explicitly addresses equity and inclusion.

WANT TO BE MORE INVOLVED IN CSCA? The Interpersonal and Family Communication Interest Group is always in need of volunteers to serve as Panel Chairs during the convention. If you will be at the convention and would like to volunteer, please contact the IFCIG program planner, Cimmiaron Alvarez (, with your contact information and availability. The interest group will send out A Call for Officer Nominations for members to serve as IFCIG Vice-Chair and Secretary closer to the date of the convention.

QUESTIONS, COMMENTS, CONCERNS? For questions, comments, or concerns, please contact the program planner: Cimmiaron F. Alvarez, MA., Chair and 2024 Program Planner, Interpersonal and Family Communication Interest Group, Rutgers University. Email:

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