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CSCA 2024 - Instructional Resources Interest Group ...Call for Submissions

CSCA 2024: Instructional Resources Interest Group Call for Papers and Panels
Kellie Smith,


Call for Papers and Panels

Central States Communication Association (CSCA)

Annual Convention-Grand Rapids, MI

April 2-7, 2024

Incoherence: Failures, Futures, and Forgotten Messages

The Instructional Resources Interest Group invites the submission of competitive papers, panels, roundtable discussions, and innovative programming for the 2024 CSCA convention in Grand Rapids, MI. The purpose of the Instructional Resources Interest Group is to foster the efforts of researchers in topics related to instructional resources, including all forms of technology, assessment, and instructional ideas. To help achieve this goal, this organization seeks to develop a strong network to aid in the collaboration of its members in promoting the organization’s research area. A range of topics encompassing instructional resources are welcome, and we especially encourage members to address issues related to the convention theme, Incoherence: Failures, Futures, and Forgotten Messages. Submissions that foreground the voices of marginalized groups and underrepresented scholars are especially welcomed. Regarding panels, preference will be given to those with panelists representing multiple institutions rather than representing a single institution.

Topic ideas discussed at the 2023 business meeting include (but you are not limited to):

  • Utilizing Chat GPT and AI in the classroom;
  • Teaching strategies for discussing politics and political issues during polarization and fraught times;
  • Incorporating diversity & differences among student viewpoints in the classroom;
  • Acknowledging and addressing the new/different needs of Gen Z students;
  • Discussing how faculty innovation and inclusivity is supported from administration; and
  • Addressing accessibility issues and offering solutions for instructional resources.


Submissions are limited to the formats described below. However, if you have an idea for an innovative panel format that is not outlined herein, contact the Instructional Resources Interest Group conference planner, Kellie Smith,, for authorization to submit an alternative format.

Paper Submissions. Only completed papers will be accepted. 

  • Papers must include a title and brief abstract (<100 words). 
  • Paper length (excluding title page and abstract) should not exceed 30 pages
  • If accepted for presentation, each paper will be put onto a thematized panel with other papers, and the conference planner will assign a respondent and a chair.
  • Graduate students should type “STUDENT” on the upper right-hand corner of the title page. 
  • If the paper will be a graduate student debut, please type “DEBUT STUDENT” in the upper right-hand corner of the title page. To be considered a graduate student debut paper:
    • the author must be a graduate student,
    • the paper must have single authorship, and 
    • the paper must be the author’s first paper to be presented at CSCA. 
  • If you would like your paper to be considered for the Inclusive Scholarship Award, type “INCLUSIVE SCHOLARSHIP” in the upper right-hand corner of the title page. 
    • To be considered as an exemplar of inclusive scholarship, the paper must demonstrate academic rigor in the examination of communication and historically marginalized communities/populations. 
    • Additionally, make sure to select the Equity and Inclusion Scholarship option in submitting

Discussion Panels Submissions.

  • Discussion panels are those including 4 - 7 panelists who provide a brief opening statement concerning a topic and then engage in discussion, often with the entire attending audience. 
  • These panels must have a chair to introduce the panelists and moderate the discussion.
  • Preference will be given to those with panelists representing multiple institutions rather than representing a single institution. 
  • Submitters are encouraged to highlight in their proposals what other interest groups could co-sponsor the discussion (when applicable).

Awards may be given to the top paper and top panel as ranked by the reviewers.

All technology requests (such as for a projector and screen) must be made at the time of submission. CSCA will not provide laptops.


Submissions must be received by 11:59 PM, CDT, October 7, 2023.

Submit your paper or panel electronically through our CSCA online submission system site.

Interest Group Planner: Kellie Smith,

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