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CSCA 2024 - Ethnicity, Race, International, and Class Concerns (ERICC) Caucus ...Call for Submissions


Call for Papers and Panels

Central States Communication Association (CSCA)

Annual Convention- Grand Rapids, MI

April 2nd – 7th, 2024

Incoherence: Failure, futures, and forgotten messages

CSCA’s Ethnicity, Race, International, and Class Concerns (ERICC) Caucus invites submissions of competitive papers, panels, roundtable discussions, and other innovative programming for the 2024 convention in Grand Rapids, MI. The purpose of the Caucus is to advocate for members regarding matters of race, ethnicity, citizenship, and class issues. Additionally, ERICC promotes interdisciplinary collaboration and highlights scholarship regarding both the identities and personal interests of its membership.

The ERICC Caucus especially encourages communication scholars and practitioners to address issues related to the 2024 convention theme Incoherence: Failure, futures, and forgotten messages. We welcome a variety of research, including interpretive, critical, and social scientific approaches, as well as papers and panels that apply, extend, or develop theoretical approaches. Submissions that foreground the voices of marginalized groups and underrepresented scholars are especially encouraged.

The ERICC Caucus presents two awards with cash prizes: 1) top paper award and 2) top student paper award. Awardees will be recognized during the ERICC Business Meeting.

Guidelines for Submission

Papers may employ any methodology chosen by the author, including qualitative, quantitative, rhetorical, critical, grounded theory, etc. Paper length should be a maximum of 25 pages, excluding references, graphs, and illustrations. Submissions should include the title and a brief abstract. Author name(s), institutional affiliation(s), and any identifying information should be omitted.

Student papers should contain the word STUDENT in the upper right corner of the title page if all authors are students. If the paper is solo authored by a student and they are presenting a paper at CSCA for the first time, the term DEBUT STUDENT should be written in the upper right-hand corner of the title page.

If you would like your paper to be considered for the Inclusive Scholarship Award, type INCLUSIVE SCHOLARSHIP in the upper right-hand corner of the title page. To be considered an exemplar of inclusive scholarship, the paper must demonstrate academic rigor in the examination of communication and historically marginalized communities/populations. Additionally, make sure to select the Equity and Inclusion Scholarship option in submitting.

Panels/Round Table Discussion should center on a common idea within the convention theme, explain the purpose of the panel/round table, as well as list the names of all participants. Please include a chair or moderator; a respondent is optional. For paper panels, it is suggested that there are no more than 5 participants. With round tables, it is best to focus on 7 panelists or less so that everyone – including the audience – can have a chance to engage with the topic. Reviewers will be instructed to give preference to panel submissions with participants representing multiple institutions and lived identities.

Deadline: All submissions should be made through CSCA’s online submission system and must be received by 11:59 PM, CDT, Oct. 7, 2023.

Requests for technology/media for the presentation must be made at the time of submission.

Only completed papers and panel proposals will be considered.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Nurhayat Bilge, PhD
ERICC Chair and Program Planner

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