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2025 CSCA Convention - Organizational & Professional Communication Interest Group ... Reminder Call for Papers and Panels

Hello OPC Interest Group members!

We are less than one month from the CSCA submission deadline, but there is still time to get together panels and papers to submit to the Organizational and Professional Communication Interest Group. The countdown is on!

In the spirit of our conference theme, Widening the Scope, we are particularly interested in programming collaborative and inclusive panels. We discussed many possible collaborative discussion panels, paper panels, and field trips in our business meeting last year. I can’t wait to see what you’ve come up with! Please reach out if you have questions or want to connect with other interest groups for collaborative submissions. I’ve also included the Call for Papers below for additional information.

Finally, I have a request. Please fill out this short survey if you are willing to serve the division as a chair, reviewer, or mentor for research in progress​. 

I can’t wait to see you all in Cincinnati!

Cody Coker, Ph.D. (He/Him)
Assistant Professor, Department of Communication 

Boise State University


Call for Papers and Panels

Central States Communication Association (CSCA)

Annual Convention-Cincinnati, Ohio

April 1-6, 2025

Widening the Scope

The Organizational & Professional Communication Interest Group invites you to submit competitive papers, panels, roundtables, works-in-progress, and innovative programming for the 2025 CSCA convention in Cincinnati, OH. The purpose of the Organizational and Professional Communication Interest Group is to collaboratively promote the efforts of researchers, teachers/scholars, and practitioners studying and practicing communication in organizational and professional contexts. A range of topics encompassing Organizational & Professional Communication are welcome, and we especially encourage members to address issues related to the convention theme, Widening the Scope. In alignment with this theme, we are interested in thinking about our engagement within and beyond the field of communication, generally, and the organizational communication subfield, specifically. As such, we highly encourage papers and panels that feature collaborations with other interest groups and scholars and practitioners across fields of interest.

Additionally, in alignment with our goals, we encourage you to think creatively about designing paper sessions, panel discussions, and performance sessions that are inclusive of marginalized and underrepresented voices, maximize participation, and incorporate dialogue and discussion. Please indicate if your proposal aligns with one or more CSCA interest groups and caucuses.

Individual Papers:

An individual paper is a complete manuscript, submitted directly by an author or authors, which is reviewed individually and, if accepted, grouped into sessions by the program planner. Individual papers are eligible for consideration for the Diamond Anniversary Award and Top Student Paper Award.

Submissions should not exceed 30 pages (including tables, images, and figures, but excluding the title page, abstract, and references). All papers must be double-spaced, using 12-point, Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, and follow the guidance of the 7th edition of the APA style guide.

Please remove any information identifying the author(s), including the properties in the document. Please complete the required electronic submission fields, including title, brief abstract, author(s), and keywords.

Graduate students should type “STUDENT” in the upper right-hand corner of the title page. If the paper will be a graduate student debut, please type “DEBUT STUDENT” in the upper right-hand corner of the title page. To be considered a graduate student debut paper:

    • the author must be a graduate student,
    • the paper must be solo-authored, and
    • the paper must be the author’s first paper to be presented at CSCA.

If you would like your paper to be considered for the Inclusive Scholarship Award, type “INCLUSIVE SCHOLARSHIP” in the upper right-hand corner of the title page. To be considered an exemplar of inclusive scholarship, the paper must demonstrate academic rigor in examining communication and historically marginalized communities/populations. If you would like to be considered for this award, please clearly articulate, in at least one paragraph in your abstract, how the respective scholarship explicitly addresses equity and inclusion.

Research in Progress:

The Research in Progress provides an opportunity for authors with works-in-progress to discuss and get feedback from experienced scholars to make the paper ready for submission to a journal. Those interested in the Research in Progress session should submit an extended abstract (500-750 words, not including references). If accepted, participants are expected to send the full paper to the scholar(s) assigned to their paper no later than six weeks before the convention. Anyone can submit an abstract for the Research in Progress session. However, we especially encourage graduate students, early career scholars, and those interested in learning more about the journal publishing process to submit. Accepted presenters are expected to register for the convention and participate in small-group discussions with their mentors and other authors.

Paper Sessions:

Paper sessions are preconceived, complete sessions of papers (usually 3 to 5) focused on a particular topic, in which each presenter has a titled presentation and delivers their own work. Paper sessions are reviewed as a whole. Submitters should include participants from different institutions and are highly encouraged to include cross-disciplinary and diverse perspectives and maximize opportunities for discussion and dialogue.

Submissions must include:

  1. A title and 75-word description for the entire session
  2. The name of the session’s chair (required) and respondent (if applicable)
  3. Information for each presenter’s paper (including paper title, author names and affiliations, and 200-word abstracts)
  4. A 400-word rationale that elaborates on the focus, purpose, importance, and relevance of the session

Panel Discussions 

A panel discussion is a preconceived, complete session in which a panel of presenters addresses a particular issue, often in a conversational style, but without individually titled presentations. Like paper sessions, panel discussions are reviewed as a whole. Submitters should include participants from different institutions and are highly encouraged to include cross-disciplinary and diverse perspectives and maximize opportunities for discussion and dialogue.

Submissions must include:

  1. A title and 75-word description for the entire panel
  2. The name of the panel’s chair (required) and respondent (if applicable)
  3. A list of the presenters, including their affiliations
  4. A 400-word rationale that elaborates on the focus, purpose, importance, and relevance of the panel

Additional Submission Details:

  • Per interest group bylaws, any author submitting to the division may be asked to review other paper and panel submissions.
  • All technology requests must be made at the time of submission.
  • Submissions must be received by 11:59 PM CDT, October 5, 2024.
  • Send submissions electronically through our CSCA online submission system site.

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