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CSCA Strategic and Applied Communication Interest Group Panels

Hello all,

We are only two weeks away from the conference and I hope you are as ready as I am to hear about all the amazing research that our colleagues are conducting. Make sure you’re all registered for the conference before you arrive as rates go up onsite. As you plan your conference, I hope you’ll find some of our interest group’s panels of interest:

Thursday April 3rd at 12:30 (Caprice 1):

From Local to Global: Widening the Scope of Applied Communication Research to Issues of Climate Change, Environmental Activism, Natural Disasters, and Vaccine Awareness

"An Analysis of The Role of TikTok in Climate Change and Environmental Activism During COP28" Jamie Ward, The University of Toledo

"Cultivating COVID-19 Vaccine Awareness Among Farmers and Rural Adults in Utah: A Toolkit for Extension Professionals" Sydney O'Shay, Utah State University; Aaron Hunt, Utah State University; Marie Yamane, Utah State University; Rachel Tong, Utah State University 

"Empowering Children and Educating Families: A Proposal to Close a Natural Disaster Protective Actions Knowledge Gap with ‘Get Ready’ Program" Meredith L. Morgoch, Salisbury University

"Indian Environmental Activism: Ideological Origins, Communicative Strategies, and Protest Tactics Since the 1980s" Vamsi Chaitanya Pedasanaganti, The University of Toledo

"Psychological Distance and Visual Communication of Climate Change in South Asia: Impacts on Risk Perceptions and Behavioral Change" Sandaruwan Subasinghe, University of Peradeniya; Najma Akhther, Wayne State University

Thursday April 3rd at 12:30 (Rookwood):

Top Paper Panel

"Widening the Scope in Crisis Communication: The Role of Contested Narratives in the Ongoing Pulse Nightclub Memorialization Process (Top Paper)" Amy Maciel, Clemson University; Timothy L. Sellnow, Clemson University

"The Role of Employee Advocacy in Promoting Positive Corporate Reputation: An Exploratory Study of Employees of Higher Education Institutions (Dan Millar Award for Top Student Paper, Top Debut Paper)" Janet Laadi Anani, Illinois State University

"Impact of Health Literacy and Cultural Contexts on Immunization Campaigns in Kenya: Disinformation, Misinformation and Infodemic Dynamics" Catherine Don, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

"Organizational Polycrisis: A Concept Explication" James Ndone, Coastal Carolina University; Baron Khamadi Shitemi, Indiana University Bloomington

"Widening the Scope of Nonprofit Donor, Fundraising, and Outreach Messages: A Multilayer, Multimethod Accessibility Analysis of U.S. Nonprofit Websites (Top Inclusive Scholarship Paper)" Alicia Mason, Pittsburg State University; Lauren Baldwin, Pittsburg State University; Tatum Ahring, Pittsburg State University

Thursday April 3rd at 2:00 (Rookwood):

IG Business meeting. We will be voting on bylaw changes and electing a new Secretary.

Thursday April 3rd at 3:30 (Caprice 3): 

Competitive Papers in Strategic Communication

"High Stakes: An Analysis of Involvement Theory in Sports Gambling Advertisements" Jackson Sepko, University of Louisville; Lindsay J. Della, University of Louisville; Adam Cocco, University of Louisville; Mary Z. Ashlock, University of Louisville 

"How Elite University Presidents Faltered in the Wake of Antisemitism Accusations: Apologia in Congressional Hearings: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" Donya Gollner Hengehold, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

"PR in the Age of AI: The Moderating Effects of Authentic Leadership and Supervisors' Digital Literacy on AI-Induced Uncertainty Among Kenyan PR Practitioners" James Ndone, Coastal Carolina University

"’I Understand That is How You Feel’: Service Industry Managers’ Perception of Emotional Awareness, Emotional Intelligence, and Stress Management" Mitchell McSparin, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville; Alicia Alexander, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville 

"’The Great Vermont Floods of 2023': A Risk and Crisis Communication Assessment. Content, Convergence and Support to Vulnerable Populations." Rodrigo Soares, University of Vermont; Jessica A. Balerna, University of Vermont; Ruth Quainoo, University of Vermont; Scott C. Merrill, University of Vermont; Masood Ali Khan, University of Vermont; Trisha Shrum, University of Vermont; Christopher Koliba, University of Kansas

Saturday April 5th at 2:00 (Salon D)

Expanding the Scope of Crisis and Risk Communication: PFAS Chemicals and Drinking Water Contaminations (Top Panel)

Presenters: Khairul Islam, State University of New York at Oswego

Deborah Sellnow-Richmond, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Ashleigh M. Day, Northern Arizona University 

Xianlin Jin, The University of Toledo 

Henry Seeger, University of Michigan 

Lahne Mattas-Curry, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 

Olivia Truban, University of Alaska Fairbanks Troth Yeddha

See you all in Cincinnati!
Joshua Bolton, Ph.D.

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