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CSCA 2018 Convention - Call for Submissions - Political Communication Interest Group

Political Communication Interest Group

Call for Papers and Panels

Central States Communication Association (CSCA)

Annual Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

April 4-7, 2018


 The Political Communication Interest Group invites the submission of competitive papers and thematic panel proposals to be considered for presentation at the 2018 CSCA convention to be held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Submissions to the Political Communication Interest Group should explore theoretical and/or critical issues related to the study of politics and communication. The scope of this Interest Group is broad, as the study of politics and communication may encompass the communicative activity of citizens, individual political figures, governmental institutions, the media, political campaigns, advocacy groups, and social movements. This Interest Group recognizes and encourages research that addresses political communication topics in all contexts and levels of analysis, employing a variety of methodologies. Papers and proposals that highlight and explore the theme of this convention, Difference, are especially encouraged.

Awards: All top papers will be recognized during our business meeting. Awards will be given to the top overall paper and the J. Jeffrey Auer Award for the top competitive graduate student paper (which also includes a monetary award).

Guidelines for Submission:

We seek interactive and innovative panel formats to further develop our program and provide opportunities for discussion at the convention. Some examples of different formats include:

Dialogue Sessions: Select a key issue, debate, or article that will serve to open the session and then become the focus of conversation.

Spotlight Sessions: Focus on a noted scholar, article, or book highlighting contributions to the field and advances inspired by the work.

All media requests must be made at the time of submission. Projectors and screens are available; computers are not.

All papers/panels must be submitted electronically using Microsoft Word. Documents sent using any other format will be returned to the sender.

Submissions must be received by October 9, 2017.

Send submissions electronically using Microsoft Word to the following:

Soo-Hye Han
Kansas State University

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