Call for Papers and Panels
Central States Communication Association (CSCA)
Annual Convention-Grand Rapids, MI
April 2-7, 2023
The Adjunct/Temporary Faculty Caucus invites the submission of panels, roundtable discussions, papers, and innovative programming for the 2024 CSCA convention in Grand Rapids, MI. The purpose of the Adjunct/Temporary Faculty Caucus is to discuss and support the issues that are specific to adjunct and temporary faculty in the academic world (K-12, community colleges, public and private universities). Our caucus seeks to provide adjunct/ temporary faculty (including “visiting faculty”) with support, guidance, networking, and training. Faculty, students, independent scholars, and community members are encouraged to submit and attend the CSCA convention in Grand Rapids, and we encourage submissions that address issues related to the conference theme of Incoherence.
A range of topics impacting adjunct and temporary faculty are welcome for submission for this convention. Topics might include different professional development models & opportunities, employment alternatives (non-academic jobs, “alt-ac” careers, and “side hustles”), transitioning to/from campus, teaching and working remotely, building community/re-connecting, teaching as an intersectional part of identity, life in the discipline/retirement, visiting faculty as temporary/non-renewable faculty, and temporary/adjunct faculty being the majority of those in the field. We especially encourage members to address issues related to the convention theme, Incoherence. Submissions inclusive of all methodological perspectives in the communication discipline are expected and embraced. Submissions that foreground the voices of marginalized groups and underrepresented scholars are also welcomed.
Discussion Panel Submission Guidelines
Preference will be given to those panelists representing multiple institutions rather than representing a single institution. Discussion panel submissions must include the following: (a) panel title, (b) panel description (75 words or less), (c) panel rationale, and (d) complete list of participants along with their institutional affiliations.
We will award $100.00 for a “Top Panel” submission that focuses on topics and issues related to Adjunct and Temporary Faculty at the convention.
The Equity and Inclusion Scholarship Award is sponsored by the CSCA Equity & Inclusion Committee (EIC). If your paper should be considered for this, the paper must clearly articulate, in at least one paragraph, how the respective scholarship explicitly addresses equity and inclusion. Additionally, make sure to select the Equity and Inclusion Scholarship option in submitting.
Submission Details
Please direct questions to Ali Gattoni, Adjunct/Temporary Caucus Chair, at