Dear Members of CSCA,
As you know, our conference annually hosts the President's Undergraduate Honors Research Conference. This year, planning this exciting event falls on me. Each year, we have had amazing undergraduate students who travel to CSCA to present their work. Each year, they fascinate us with their research, presentation skills, and creativity. This year, I hope to continue our tradition and invite you to work with your students and encourage them to submit for our President's Undergraduate Honors Research Conference. This year, in addition to complete papers, we are accepting works-in-progress abstract submissions. If you have students who are working on senior theses, term papers, or other research, please encourage them to submit. Our deadline is Friday, 11:59 PM (CST), January 12, 2024. If you have any questions, please contact me: Learn more by reading our full updated call.
Ahmet Atay, CSCA President