Awards Program Overview

The Central States Communication Association is one of the top regional organizations in promoting all levels of scholarship and sponsors numerous outstanding research awards. In addition, because CSCA recognizes that there are varying types of scholarship and many stages in an academic's life, the organization also presents teaching awards as well as service awards.

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Please click on the award name for further information about a specific award.

Auer Award

Beall Award

Becker Award

Braithwaite Award

Burrell Award

Calloway-Thomas Inclusivity Fellows

Chesebro Award

ComBotLabs Award

Communication Studies Article of the Year Award

Cooper Award

Diamond Anniversary Award

Federation Prize

Founders Award

Friedrich Award

Griffin Award

Hall of Fame

Inclusive Scholarship Award

Journal of Communication Pedagogy Article of the Year Award

Kay Award

Manning Award

Millar Award

Outstanding State Journal and Manuscript Award

Past Officers Debut Paper Award

Pearson and Nelson Outstanding New Teacher Award

Skalski Award

Trent Award

Warren Mentorship Award