Short Courses

2025 Central States Communication Association Annual Convention

Cincinnati, Ohio
April 1 - 6, 2025
Widening the Scope

Is there a topic or subject area that deserves in-depth attention? Have you been wanting to lead a session with interested others on a topic that intersects with your passion? You are invited to submit Short Course proposals for the 2025 CSCA convention in Cincinnati. Short Courses are special sessions that engage sustained examination and discussion of a focused topic or area.

Please include:

  • Title
  • Short Course description – approximately 75-100 words
  • Rationale – approximately 100-200 words (including your assessment of level of interest among members), and
  • Your complete contact information.

The deadline for submitting Short Course proposals is October 5, 2024, 11:59 pm CDT.

Please follow the online submission link:

Questions? Contact Jeffrey T. Child, First Vice President & 2025 Conference Planner: